Bringonthemagic’s Blog

Just another weblog


I am interested to find out what impact technology has made to the human to human communication. Although there is a huge improvement and being able to contact and communicate to each other in varies ways like, email, online chat, games, txt and list becoming almost endless, I question what have we gained and what have we lost in the process. This subject is so large and I have several questions and thoughts on the subject: What has been lost by this? ….lack of body language, tone etc. What has been gained by this? Is it a convenience or deprive our privacy? What impact does it have on relationships and families? What impact it has on our behaviour? Are we now all becoming “geeks” sitting in front of our devices? Do we now have less personal interaction with one another? Are we continuous being interruption while we are interacting with others? What Psychological impact does it have on the youth?

March 12, 2009 Posted by | Personal Reflections, Research Proposal | 5 Comments